Monday, September 2, 2013

Autumn 2013 List.

This tree outside my house is so gorgeous in the fall (this was taken last year).
  I love fall. Overall, it is honestly my favorite season, for so many reasons (oh my god, I should be a poet! haha). The weather where I live is perfect. It's usually warm enough to be outside for a little while, but cold enough to wear sweaters and jeans and scarves. I love snuggling up on the couch and having the fireplace on and drinking tea or hot chocolate. I love the colors the leaves change. I love the cold rain and the cloudy days. I wish it would last longer!
My best friend Grace and I last year. We're two peas in a pod...:) 

  I really enjoyed this summer. I wouldn't say it's been the absolute 'best' summer, but it was pretty darn good. I did some things I've never done before, and some things that are kind of summer traditions; but I'm so so so happy it's fall now! I compiled a little list of all the things I'm looking forward to doing this fall. :)
This Fall, I'm Looking Forward To...

♡Having a bonfire with tons of blankets
♡Making an apple pie (now I'm hungry...)
♡Spending an afternoon watching Sherlock and drinking tea (seriously my favorite show)
♡Go down to my Grandma's farm and take lots of pictures
♡Going on long walks
♡Spending time reading outside all bundled-up
♡Raking the leaves (I know it's a chore, but I enjoy doing it!)
♡Jumping in piles of leaves (haven't done this in the longest time. I have no idea why!)
♡Going to apple orchards and picking apples
♡Knitting (I did this a lot last year, but haven't done it since. I could make my own scarves!)
♡Wearing sweaters and jeans/leggings
♡Drinking chai tea lattes (they just remind me of fall and they're so yummy!)
♡Having plenty of 'pamper evenings'
♡Lighting candles
♡Thanksgiving (we always go down to my aunt and uncles farm. I love it there!)
♡Re-decorating my room a bit (maybe a new duvet cover and some fall decorations?)
♡Listening to songs that remind me of autumn
♡Finally, blogging more! (Let me know what kind of posts you'd like to see!)

Photo from my Grandma's farm



  1. beautiful pictures and officially have me excited for fall! I'm a new blogger but would love if you checked out my page! thanks X

    1. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me that you took the time to comment. I will definitely check out your blog. :)


  2. I'm your first follower! So exciting!!! I love finding new fun blogs to read and your post about autumn was so cute :)

    Have a look at my blog and if you like it follow back (only if you like it of course! :)) xoxox

    The perks of being a hipster

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you so so much!! Your comment just made my day. :) I checked out your blog, and I love it! I am going to follow it for sure. Again, thank you so so so much!

      -Emily :)

  3. Love this post, beautiful photography! I love this time of year too, especially getting to wrap up in layers :)

    I've recently started blogging too and would love it if you could give it a look :) x

    1. Thank you, Rachel! And yes, wrapping up in layers is the best!! I'll check out your blog right now! :)

      -Emily xoxo

  4. You've got me in the mood for autumn I want to do everything you've mentioned, so looking forward to cosy jumpers, baking and drinking hot drinks!!!
    Lots of love from Emily xxx
    (ps so glad I've found a fellow Sherlock lover)

    1. Yes! Now I'm just waiting for the leaves to change color...:)

      Emily :)


Thanks so much for your comment! I will respond as soon as I can. :-)