Saturday, September 6, 2014

Autumn 2014 List. ♡

Took this at my grandma's farm last autumn. I'm looking forward to spending weekends there again this year!

Hi everybody! Well, I've finished my first week back at school. I'm really enjoying all my classes so far, and my teachers are great as well. Have you guys started school? How's it going so far?

Last year around this time, I made a list of all the things I wanted to do in autumn, because it is my favorite season EVER.  This past summer wasn't good, to be quite honest, so I'm really hoping to make these cooler months amazing. You guys seemed to like that post pretty well, so I figured I'd do another one! Enjoy. :)

I looooooove wearing combat-type boots in the fall.

Autumn 2014 List.
Here's what I'm looking forward to!

♡Going on lots of hikes, and going exploring a lot
♡Wearing sweaters. ALL THE TIME (sweaters are my favorite, I feel so cozy in them!)
♡Having bonfires with some friends
♡Going stargazing with lots of blankets and hot chocolate
♡Spending afternoons and evenings watching Disney movies and snuggling up with blankets
♡Lighting candles (Yankee Candle's Pumpkin Buttercream is my all-time fave)
♡Reading by the fireplace
♡Taking lots of pictures of the leaves changing colors
♡Baking yummy apple desserts (apple crisp sounds amazing right now...)
♡Cloudy/rainy days (perfect days for watching movies and cuddling with my puppy!)
♡Having LOTS of pamper evenings/LUSH baths
♡Fall/Christmas LUSH products (eep!!)
♡Drinking tea and hot chocolate
♡Starbucks seasonal drinks
♡Buying new fall clothes!!
♡Spending lots of time outdoors and enjoying the crisp, fall weather

My little baby, I love her so much.
Of course there are so many other things I'm looking forward to this fall, but I think I've covered the main ones. What are you guys looking forward to this autumn? 

Love you all,

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