Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Easy and Effective Hair Treatment

Hello everybody! I have to apologize for not blogging for the longest time. With school and homework, I was pretty busy, but I'm happy to be back. I hope you've all been doing well. :-)

Anyway, I thought I would share with you guys one of my favorite DIY hair masks today. In the fall and winter especially (still in the summer sometimes), my hair can get reeeeeeally dry and pretty damaged looking. It feels rough and doesn't look very glossy or smooth. This mask is going to moisturize your hair, make it look sleek and make it feel soft and smooth. Also, I notice that it works quite well to help mend split-ends!

All you will need is:
♡2 egg yolks
♡1/4 cup of Olive oil
**you can also add 1/2 and avacado if you want to make the mask a little more special, but I hardly ever buy avacados, so I usually don't.

Simply beat the egg yolks in with the Olive oil, brush through your dry hair, and began distributing the eggs and Olive oil throughout your hair. I usually start from the bottom up, taking some of the liquid in my hand and squeezing it into my hair. You don't need to go all the way up to your roots, just because it's not really going to do much good. After your hair is coated, I recommend putting your hair in a top-knot (or bun, whatever you like to call it) and then squeeze the excess egg and Olive oil into your sink or something (just so your hair isn't DRIPPING wet with the stuff). Then, just put your hair into a shower cap, or a plastic bag, or even a towel, and relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax.

To be honest, you can leave this in for about as long as you'd like. Only have 10 minutes? Leave it in for 10 minutes. I personally think the mask works best when it's left in for between 30 minutes and an hour, but it's going to do some good no matter how long you leave it in.

Afterwards, just hop in the shower and rinse it out. Shampoo and condition as you normally would, and you're DONE! 

I personally like to beat the egg whites with a fork until they are frothy and apply them to my face after I wash it. This is a great face mask, and it's going to tighten your pores, giving you a sort of temporary face lift.

I really hope you enjoyed this weeks post. Pretty please let me know what you'd like to see next week! I was thinking I could do some sort of book review, a product review, or maybe post some more pictures. Any other ideas? :)

Xoxo, Emily

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