Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sarah and Britta.

Hello everyone! I hope everyone's weekend was spectacular. To make up for the crappy quality pictures in my last post (LUSH Haul), I thought today I would share with you some pictures of my stunning friends, Britta and Sarah. I used my fancy-shmancy Olympus camera to take these!

I took these pictures for Britta and Sarah because they wanted to practice for their senior photos. These photos weren't edited at all, which I normally would do a bit, but my computer is being stupid today, haha. Anyway, enjoy!

I reeeeeally liked the lighting here, and Britta looks seriously beautiful.

Sarah looked so tan next to this pink wall we found downtown. Ah she's so cute!

Honestly my favorite picture from that day. She looks so incredible and I love her so much.

I swear Sarah could be a model, she's so stunning.

A lil' blurry, but these girls are adorable and I ♡ them.

 I hope you all enjoyed today's post! Please let me know in the comments what you'd like to see from me next, I have a few ideas in mind. They are: OOTD, product review, book review, or more pictures from my recent little trip. Anyway, I love you all, and I hope your week is great.


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