Thursday, September 26, 2013

Judging and Labels.

image from

Hello guys! How have you all been? This week I was a little stressed out from school (I'm not use to having lots of tests in one day!), I've started thinking about my trip to Europe in the spring (I'm going to be talking about Europe a lot. I'm just so excited!) and the weather has been much cooler and more fall-like. :)

Honestly, I've been a bit nervous to post this. I would've posted it on Sunday, but this is something I'm not quite comfortable with yet. I always worry about sharing my views on life rather than beauty because I worry people might get the wrong impression of me; nonetheless, I decided to do it, because you never know what will come out of something until you try it.

Over the summer, I mostly hung out with my family and close friends. I was hardly ever in a situation where I had much interaction with other people. Now that we're back in the swing of school, I've been thinking a lot about people. 

Everyday when I'm on the bus, there is a guy who, if you saw him, your first thought might be, "hmm...he looks kind of sketchy." That's what I thought at first. I noticed that he swore a fair amount, and he was kind of loud and a little intimidating. Then one day, when he was getting of the bus, I noticed he smiled at the driver and said, "have a nice day!" To be honest, I was shocked. I didn't think he would be the kind of person who would do that.

That got me thinking that we (myself included, I am in no way 'perfect') judge and label people we don't know far too much.  I've been told all my life not to judge people, because you never know what they might be going through, and I feel like I've never really take that seriously. We often don't even notice we are making assumptions about the people we see at school or at the mall or at work. We usually make bad labels about people we don't even know instead of the good ones. I hate it when I do that.

image from

Now I know it's waaaaaaaaaay past New Years, but I want to make a resolution to myself, and maybe you'll want to do this, too. My resolution is (I've been trying very hard to do this for a little while now) to not think, "oh look at her, she looks like she's trying way to hard to be cool" Instead, I've been trying to not make any assumptions, and if I do, I try to make good ones. We should try to find the good in people, because I know that everybody has some. And honestly, you never truly know what is going on with them.

In summary, I want to try my hardest not to judge a book by its cover. :)

I really hope you guys liked this post and found it at least a little bit helpful. Let me know if you like these types of posts. You can email me (I have my email in a tab above), or you can comment below. Hope you all have a fantastic week!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Liebster Award

Hello everybody, hope you had a great week this past week! I was a little busy with school work, but I wanted to do this post.

I was tagged by both Maggie ( and Rachel ( to do the Liebster Award (pleeease go check out their blogs!). OHMYGOSH. I am still so surprised and happy that I got tagged in this! It's just so exciting. :) I love this tag, because its for blogs that don't have a TON of followers, and it helps get those blogs discovered.  The rules of this tag are:

1. The tagged/nominated blogs have to have under 200 followers.
2. Tag the blog that nominated you.
3. Tell the people you tagged so that they can respond.

So basically, I am going to be answering the 10 questions Maggie gave me, and the 10 questions Rachel gave me (is that allowed? I hope so!). Although since some of the questions are the same, I'll just answer them once. Then I am going to tag 10 other bloggers with 10 different questions. Here we gooooo!

1. What made you want to start blogging?
I wanted to start blogging because I really liked the idea of simply sharing your thoughts on things you love and letting other people who love the same things read it. 

2. What is your favorite part about the blogging community?
I absolutely LOVE how supportive everyone is to each other. The followers/readers I have are so incredibly sweet and I love all of you. :)

3. What is your favorite social networking site?
Oh god, I love them all. I probably use Instagram the most, but Tumblr. is amazing. 

4. Who is your celebrity inspiration?
I really like Cara Delevinge. I love how she isn't afraid to be herself, and she doesn't seem to care what other people think. 

5. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Leggings and sweaters! I love wearing comfortable clothes but still looking cute. :)

6. What is one thing you could never live without?
I can't live without music. Music has been a major part in my life forever, and I don't know what I would do without it!

7. If you could meet any blogger, who would it be?
If I could meet a famous blogger, it would have to be Zoella or SprinkleOfGlitter (they are my favorite famous bloggers!). I just adore them. Otherwise, I would like to meet all of my followers!

8. What is your favorite beauty product?
Any mascara. I feel like if I could only wear one makeup product for the rest of my life, it would be mascara. Otherwise, my eyes are so small I would look like a mole.

9. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I reeeeeeally want to go to England. Especially the countryside.

10. What is your favorite store to shop at?
There are so many to choose from, but I'm going to have to go with H&M or maybe American Eagle.
11. What/ who inspired you to start blogging?
Zoella, I think
12. Who's style do you admire?
Again, I'm going to have to say Zoella. I like how she keeps it simple, but her outfits still look polished and cute.
13. What's your dream job?
This is so hard. I love beauty, but I know I want to go over to Africa and do mission work for a while. I also want to do something with history and science and traveling. And maybe music, too. Is there a job that combines ALL those things? haha. :)
14. What's your favourite season?
FALL! I did a blog post on how much I love it earlier in the month. :)
15. If you could visit any country where would it be?
England, or Italy. FUN FACT: I'm actually going to Italy, France, Switzerland, and Monaco for a week in the spring!!
16. What's your favourite film?
I can't pick an all-time favorite, but I love The Lion King, Finding Nemo, The Prestige, and Les Miserables. And Pirates of the Caribbean! Agh too many to choose from. :)

I tag:
My questions for you are:
1. What made you decide to start blogging?
2. What is your favorite blog?
3. What is your favorite book?
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
5. What makes you the happiest?
6. What is your favorite makeup product?
7. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?
8. What is your favorite TV show/movie?
9. Favorite singer/band?
10. What is your dream job? 

Again, thank you so much Maggie and Rachel for tagging me. I love all you guys and I will talk to you soon. Have a great week!! :)


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Noelle's Photoshoot.

Hello everybody! Today, I thought I would share with you a few pictures I took and edited of my friend Noelle back in June. Enjoy! ♡

Noelle has been dancing since she was 3 or 4, and she's so dang flexible.
I edited this picture so that the focus was on her, and the rest was sort of blurry. I think it looks kind of cool!
The weather was perfect the day I took these pictures. It looked like it was going to storm.
This one is my favorite. Noelle is just so graceful!

Anyway, hope you all had a nice weekend and have a great week. I just want to quickly thank anybody and everybody who has taken time out of their day to look and my blog and even comment. Your kind words literally mean so much to me! Thank you all. :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Birthday Gifts from Clinique

  Hello everyone! So, it recently was my birthday, and I received a couple different Clinique products. I thought I would just do a little review on each one for you guys.

Clinique Blush in New Clover
  First off, we have a blush from Clinique in the color New Clover. A few weeks back before my birthday, I tried this blush on at the Clinique counter, and really liked it. I've been using it for a couple days now, and it is seriously gorgeous! The color is a nice neutral pinky-plum color. I find that it goes on nice and smoothly, and stays on my face. I can see buying this product after I run out of the one I was gifted! I believe this retails for $21.
Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara
Next, I got the bottom lash mascara. Let me start off by saying that this is the cutest mascara EVER. 

Bottom Lash Mascara wand compared to a regular mascara wand
 As you can see, the brush is absolutely tiny and just adorable! It does a wonderful job of getting every little bottom lash. Sometimes when I put regular mascara on my bottom lashes, it seems to sort of slip off, and get underneath my eye, which I do not like. So far, this one has been staying put on my bottom lashes! This costs $10.

Take The Day Off Makeup Remover by Clinique

 Lastly, I got the Clinique Take The Day Off makeup remover for lashes, lids and lips. THIS IS THE BEST. I have tried several makeup removers, and this is the only one that effectively removes my eye makeup, and doesn't sting my very sensitive eyelids! My mom is also a huge fan of this stuff, so I know that I will be getting more of this. I also notice that I don't need a TON of it to take of my mascara and/or eyeliner, but that might just depend on how much makeup you are wearing. Anyway, 4.2 fl. oz. of this makeup remover costs $18. I think it is definitely worth it!

  Well, that's all I have for today! I'll hopefully be able to blog this weekend when I have a nice little break from school. Is school starting where you live?


Monday, September 2, 2013

Autumn 2013 List.

This tree outside my house is so gorgeous in the fall (this was taken last year).
  I love fall. Overall, it is honestly my favorite season, for so many reasons (oh my god, I should be a poet! haha). The weather where I live is perfect. It's usually warm enough to be outside for a little while, but cold enough to wear sweaters and jeans and scarves. I love snuggling up on the couch and having the fireplace on and drinking tea or hot chocolate. I love the colors the leaves change. I love the cold rain and the cloudy days. I wish it would last longer!
My best friend Grace and I last year. We're two peas in a pod...:) 

  I really enjoyed this summer. I wouldn't say it's been the absolute 'best' summer, but it was pretty darn good. I did some things I've never done before, and some things that are kind of summer traditions; but I'm so so so happy it's fall now! I compiled a little list of all the things I'm looking forward to doing this fall. :)
This Fall, I'm Looking Forward To...

♡Having a bonfire with tons of blankets
♡Making an apple pie (now I'm hungry...)
♡Spending an afternoon watching Sherlock and drinking tea (seriously my favorite show)
♡Go down to my Grandma's farm and take lots of pictures
♡Going on long walks
♡Spending time reading outside all bundled-up
♡Raking the leaves (I know it's a chore, but I enjoy doing it!)
♡Jumping in piles of leaves (haven't done this in the longest time. I have no idea why!)
♡Going to apple orchards and picking apples
♡Knitting (I did this a lot last year, but haven't done it since. I could make my own scarves!)
♡Wearing sweaters and jeans/leggings
♡Drinking chai tea lattes (they just remind me of fall and they're so yummy!)
♡Having plenty of 'pamper evenings'
♡Lighting candles
♡Thanksgiving (we always go down to my aunt and uncles farm. I love it there!)
♡Re-decorating my room a bit (maybe a new duvet cover and some fall decorations?)
♡Listening to songs that remind me of autumn
♡Finally, blogging more! (Let me know what kind of posts you'd like to see!)

Photo from my Grandma's farm


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pictures from Oregon 2013

My brother and I running on the sand dunes on the Oregon Coast. This is probably my favorite picture from the trip.
  Last month, I went on a trip with my family to Oregon for a little over a week.. We saw Mount Hood, Crater Lake, and the Oregon coast. We even dipped down into California for a couple hours to see the Redwoods and a small town nearby. All in all, it was a wonderful trip. The scenery was incredible! I thought I would post some of the pictures I took/edited from the trip. I haven't edited any pictures from Crater Lake or Mount Hood yet, but maybe I'll post some later. Enjoy! xoxo
The Redwood Forest. I seriously couldn't believe how incredibly huge the trees were.
In California, there were special decks made for the seals to climb/sleep on. They were sooo cute!
Ocean in Brookings, OR.
Me in Brookings. I loved how it was cool enough to wear leggings and a sweater.
Cape Perpetua. It was soooo super windy this day, but it was beautiful.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Marc Anthony Argon Oil Review

  So, like I said in my previous (and only) post, I would have a 'proper post' soon. I guess I meant soon as in a couple hours later...:). Anyway, I wanted to do a review of a product. So I was looking around my bathroom thinking, "what could I do a review of that I've been using for a while now?" and then I remembered this product. 

Marc Anthony Oil of Morocco Argon Oil Treatment

  This is the Oil of Morocco Argon Oil Treatment by Marc Anthony. I picked up this product back in February from Walgreen's, I believe, because I had seen beauty gurus of YouTube using it, and I thought, "why not give it a try?" Gosh, was that a good decision! I have been absolutely LOVING this product since the first time I tried it. 

  This product is very lightweight, so it won't weigh your hair down. Besides Argon Oil, Keratin, Shea Butter, and Vitamin E, it has olive oil in it, which I have tried multiple times by itself on my hair. It's fantastic for conditioning your hair, and making it shiny. Olive oil makes your hair stronger and healthier in general. 

  I use about 3 pumps of this product (you only need 1-3 pumps, depending on the length of your hair, so this lasts a reeeeally long time!) and just run it through my damp hair, focusing especially on the ends. I wouldn't recommend putting this product directly into the roots of your hair, because it may make your hair look greasy, but if you have a bit of leftover product after putting it on the ends of your hair, it's fine to put it a little closer to your roots, but I don't think it's necessary. I then either blow dry my hair, or just let it dry naturally, and go to bed. This oil treatment makes my hair feel sooooo soft, more silky, and healthier. Another thing I love about this product is that if you don't wash your hair every night, or just want to give your hair a little 'treat', you can apply 2-4 pumps of this to dry hair and leave it overnight! I do this every once in a while, and then just braid my hair and sleep. You don't have to wash it out in the morning, because it just soaks into your hair. And it doesn't leave any residue on your pillow!

  So overall, I would recommend this product to everyone. It has lots of benefits, is fairly cheap (I think I got it for around $7.99), lasts a long time, and smells amazing. I will be re-purchasing this for sure, maybe even in the salon size...:) 

Introduction to Emilicious.

To anyone out there reading this blog, hi, and welcome to my blog. :) My name is Emily.

I've been looking at some beauty-related blogs for a little while now, and decided to try starting my own blog. I'm not quite sure what exactly I will be writing about,  but I'm thinking it will be either about beauty, lifestyle, music-related topics, and fashion. Maybe I'll even include some photography I do. :)

If you haven't clicked on the 'about me' section in my blog, I'll tell you a little about myself and what my blog might be about right now. As you already now, my name is Emily. I decided on the name 'emilicious' for my blog, because when I was younger, my aunt always called me Emilicious instead of Emily, and she has always been one of my favorite relatives. She still calls me that to this day! I also chose this name because I'm not very creative, and I didn't think I'd be able to come up with anything better...haha. I have always enjoyed everything music-related, seeing as I was born into an extremely musical family, but only in the past few years have I gotten into beauty and fashion and photography. Although I'm looking forward to becoming more educated in these topics!

I suppose that's all I have to write right now (write right...I hate using those words together...ha), but I'm sure I will be posting a proper post very very soon. Goodbye for now! xoxo